Babies: 0 - 3 Months

2-week old sleep schedule...?

Do "schedule" and "2-week old" even belong in the same sentence?!

Our healthy, 8lb boy is 15 days old.  The first week, he went to sleep at night in the pnp bassinet no problem.  The past few days, he seems to fight going down at night and after the nightly feedings, although he'll fall asleep anywhere during the day (stroller, swing, bouncy seat, pnp) with no struggle at all.  I also think he has his days/nights confused.  He wakes up every 4 hours during the night, but will go 5-6 hours during the day between feedings.  (Please don't flame me for the time between feedings, the pedi has ok'd him waking whenever he is ready to eat since he is gaining weight and having plenty of wet dipes.  Plus, when we tried waking him every 3 hours, it was a nightmare and he refused to eat anyway).

I guess I'm looking for advice on how to get him on a more regular schedule with less fight during the night. If anyone has any input I'm all ears!

Thanks in advance :)



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