Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I'm feeling like I dont even want to BF anymore...

DS has never been able to latch so from day 1 I have been pumping his milk and bottle feeding him. This never really bothered me much, but this week has been really tough. I have been struggling with him having gas. This is bad gas too, the kind where he pulls his legs up and just screams and nothing seems to help. It is especially bad at night, despite using Mylicon drops and trying Gripe Water. The doctor thought it might be dairy in my diet and so I have been trying to eliminate dairy. Then I thought it might be the antibiotic that I am taking so while I finish the antibiotic I have just been using milk I have frozen. Now, my milk supply is down and I can't get it back up. At this point, I just feel like giving up. I am completely exhausted from not sleeping at night, and DS hasn't wanted to take naps for the past few days so I can't even sleep then. Also, it is a pain during the night to try and feed DS and pump at the same time, or otherwise I need to feed DS and then pump, but by then I am up for an hour or more.

I like BF because it makes me feel like I am providing for DS and am helping to keep him healthy. I know BF is better for him than formula. I have all of these fears that if I give up and switch to formula it is going to make the gas worse, make him more susceptible to getting sick, or even at a higher risk for SIDS.

I am feeling so down about everything that it is an effort for me to just pump anymore, especially since I am just throwing it away until I am done with the antibiotic. Does anyone have any advice? Would switching to formula be so bad? 

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