Indiana Babies

A mom of three!

So in going back through the posts...I noticed a post that said congrats ldqam516.  Just wanted to follow up!  Baby girl was born December 15th...and I went into labor ON MY OWN!  First time for me and it was the day before my scheduled induction.  Water start leaking at 2am...and full fledge broke as we were dropping our kids off at their grandparents.  Arrived at the hospital around 3am without any  real contractions...started walking and walked myself into active labor.  Was 6cm around 7am which is when I got the epidural and was complete around 9am.  Did a couple of practice pushes with the nurse and then pushed twice with my OB and Cecily Noelle was born at 9:21am...coming in at a surprising 7lbs 5oz (our other kiddos were around 9 pounds)  Iam still in awe over how well everything was definitely my dream labor and delivery!  Also had my first working epidural and didnt feel any pain...all the way through pushing and different from my past experiences!  Pictures are on my blog if you would like to see her!  Oh, and she is an absolute DREAM baby...we definitely lucked out with this one!! 
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