2nd Trimester

question for 2+ moms

I'm trying to figure out what we will need for this DD before she comes.  I have most of the big ticket items left from DD1, so here's my list so far, please add whatever you think i'll need. 


breast pump

toddler bed - for DD1

toddler bedding - for DD1

double jogger

something dresser-ish for her clothes

breast milk bags

DD1 gift

bath stuff

diaper bag




stuff to inventory still:
new nipples for bottles
season appropriate clothing

thanks in advance :o)

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will still be you and me. - Led Zeppelin
Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
imageimage image
Chemical Pregnancy 10/5/10
BFP 2/7/11--m/c 2/12/11
TTD pics taken by knottie jen&louie :o)
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