2nd Trimester

T&P For My U/S Tech (Good news, actually)

I got to be pretty close with my u/s tech last pregnancy since I was in MFM every month at least once (often up to 3 times).  She and her DH have been TTC for seven years. She said it's bittersweet to see excited moms every day and want to be the one on the table getting scanned.

Well, she did it!!! She's 7 weeks pg. She is cautiously optimistic but also very realistic about the fact that in too many cases, getting past the conceiving hurdle is not the end of the road. Many conception issues go deeper than that and may also have ramifications for the pregnancy itself.

So, could you please keep her in your T&P. If anyone deserves to finally be "the one on the table getting scanned," it's her!!


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