2nd Trimester

Am I being completely selfish?

My best friend of 9 years recently got engaged to her boyfriend of 3 years. This past year he joined the Marines and was shipped off to boot camp. While he was gone she was obviously upset and she missed him so I tried to comfort her as best as I could which basically meant staying up late talking and making the 40 some minute drive one way to stay a couple of nights with her. He was home for 2 weeks and I did their engagement pictures. After his two weeks were up he went back to some other form of training (not sure what it's called for marines?) and he will remain there until they put him on a base I guess. Anyways, I know what it's like to have someone you love in the military. My brother has been in Germany for 4 years and I rarely talk to him because of it. Occasional contact through facebook, but that's about it. I love my brother, because well obviously he's my family. However back to my friend...Every time I log onto facebook her status is the first to pop up onto my news feed, and it always says something about how she "misses her marine". Like I said previously, I come from a military family so I know that many people in the service find that when they go over sea's that their spouses are unfaithful. I feel like she feels obligated to post these status's so that no one accuses her of being unfaithful to him so I feel bad saying I'm annoyed by it but I am. I try so hard to be supportive of her because I know she misses him, but sometimes I feel so overwhelmed trying to be her friend and still deal with my own crazy emotions. Obviously her facebook is her's and she has the right to post whatever she'd like on there, and I know the simple answer is to block her updates. I could go ahead and do all of that, but it still doesn't help the fact that every time I talk to her it's the same thing over and over. I understand being proud of someone for serving our country, but I also feel like there is a difference between being proud and just making a million comments about him because she's afraid someone will tell him she's been unfaithful. I feel so bad for feeling the way I do about this, but being pregnant has worn my nerves completely thin :/

Okay, end of rant. Sorry for that guys.  

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