Upstate NY Babies

NBR: Wedding survey Florist

I know it has been a long time since our wedding planning days but I am trying to help my mom get more business. She had her own business for 20 years and then sold it.  She kept her other store but it doesn't do near as good as her first one since it is on the complete opposite side of town. She doesn't have a website(I just got her a facebook page). She is really bad with computers and my dad won't help her.  She is in the processof getting a website.  She is thinking of doing a bridal show. so I wanted to know

1. What kind of bride show perk would make you book with a florist? (discount, something free?)

2. If you were to get a mailing what would make you notice it and not throw it in the trash? or would you rather get an email?

3. If you went to bridal shows what would make you want to stop and look in a booth? Beautiful flowers? a discount? a  giveaway? More than likely I will go and help her at the shows.

4. If you were to win a free bridal bouquet would you be more likely to book that florist for the rest of your wedding?

4. Anything you want to add about your florist? 

Thanks for any input.  I wish I could just move to pittsburgh and work with her but I have no creative ability at all

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