2nd Trimester


Hello 2nd Tri!  Just wanted to introduce myself.

I'm moving over from the 1st tri board.  I've had a breeze of a pregnancy so far as far as symptoms go.   I've had a couple of minor things come up but it's been super easy so far.

First is only that I'm an RH neg. blood type.  No big deal from what I read and understand, just have to have extra shots.

I had an u/s earlier this week and I have Placenta Previa (sp?)  the technician seemed to feel confident that it would move as my uterus grows- and I believe her 100%.  I'm not overly worried- it's just annoying that until my next ultrasound, I have to take it easy- no sex & no lifting over 10lbs being the two biggest rules I'm having trouble with.  but it will be worth it in the end!


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