
Hahaha, can't fb this but you bump ladies can giggle

So, I don't know about you ladies, but I can't see my vagay to shave or do any sort of ladscaping down there. I gave up about 8 weeks ago. I really, REALLY don't want to relive the awkward experience of a nurse I've never met shaving me as surgery prep... So I opted to get my first wax. A friend told me waxing didn't hurt and is over in an instant. She is a liar! I am sitting here swollen and bruised. Not sure what's more awkward now, allowing a stranger to yank my hair out as I lay sweating on a table or when the nurse who was old enough to be my grandma used clippers to shave me. Just glad I'm not closer to my due date, this bruising would not help with recovery. 
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