2nd Trimester

Any wives of teachers?

DH is a high school teacher, which means the timing of this pregnancy is great! He'll be home all summer with me while I'm on maternity leave with the babies. We're both really looking forward to having a couple of months together to learn how to be parents.

But, I'm due June 26th. That's just about the last day of school, and since I'm having twins, odds are they will get here before that, while school is still going on. Last night I was talking to DH about this, and expressing that obviously he needs to be there while I'm giving birth, and I'd want him there for the day we come home from the hospital. I know that him taking a ton of time off, that close to wrapping up the school year, will be really tricky. 

He obviously wants to be there for the birth, but was only half joking when he was talking about what would happen if I go into labor during the school day. He also asked if me and the babies could come home from the hospital in the afternoon, so he doesn't have to take off the school day. Again, I know him, and he was half joking, but half serious. In his mind, that's not unreasonable to consider. Love him to death, but sometimes he lacks common sense/social skills.

Any other wives of teachers out there? How have you handled time off for DH during the school year when you give birth? 

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