Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Colic Calm?

Anyone try this?  My DH got me it last night from CVS after a horrific day.  LO was up for,six hours fussing.  He BF like every 30-45 minutes because he was constantly upset.  Not full out crying butmkicking arms and legs and moaning and grunting and miserable.  i am currently working on fixing my forceful letdown.  Inuse gripe, but read about colic calm and tried it.  it turns their mouth blue and im not sure if it worked or if he had a full bottle from the bottle DH gave and he zonked out.  i just gave it again because he looks so uncomfy.  i have a pedi appt at 10 this morning but i truly almost lost it yesterday dealing with his miserable upsetness all day long.  I bicycle legs, massage, burp often.....he burps fine, farts and poops all day.  he only nurses for 5 minutes at a time because of my abundance of milk.......anyone else use colic calm with good results?

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