2nd Trimester

I hope you'll have me

I am officially in my 2nd trimester and I couldn't be more thrilled. I have 2 year old twins and had a VERY easy pregnancy with them. Nothing to note other than some lower back pain and swelling at the very end.

So far in the last 8 weeks this pregnancy, I've had a sub chorionic bleed (which I thought I was losing the baby), I've been sick twice (once with the flu and currently with a horrible head cold/fever) and the stretching pains have been worse this time around that I feel like I'm popping tylenol all the time (which I'm not).

My SCH was shown non existent 2 weeks ago on the u/s so that's great news but I still worry about that more than anything else. I just pray my baby keeps growing and having a healthy heartbeat like he/she's been.

Anyways, 'hi'!


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