2nd Trimester

daycare...? am i nuts?

Is anyone looking for daycare for their LO yet?  I'm due in June and plan to take as much time off as I can, so we'll need daycare beginning in August or September. My husband and I live a pretty good life here in the city we relocated to, but I just ran the numbers and with daycare and some other expenses that will start coming in about the same time we will be short $1000 per month.  

I'll spare you all the details, but another job (for me-- the breadwinner) has opened up in our home town where we moved FROM where the cost of living is cut in HALF.  The numbers work there, with my husband going to school full time and the babe in daycare half time (he wants to finish his degree anyway).  I don't think of it as a permanent move, but my company would do the physical moving and we have a house there that we couldn't sell to move into.

Insert the biggest argument we've ever had.  I went from being happier than I have been in my whole life to despair.  He told me if I was going back it was as a single parent... that "everything will work out it always does" and that i'm "psycho, nuts, batty, crazy" for worrying about things this far in advance.

 I'm sure we need counseling.  I'm so disappointed in him.  I'm just starting to feel the baby move, and I'm so worried to be so upset while pregnant. He's working and everything, but I did not marry him for money (obviously) nor for his realistic view of finances and money management skills.  When I began talking about the expenses we could cut-- which is his car payment-- he freaked out on me and said I was using things against him.

Sorry for the book.  I needed someone to talk to and can't tell friends and family this crap. Am I crazy for worrying when we have 7 months before these expenses start?  When should I start to worry/plan?

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