Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Major DH Vent!

I decided to swaddle our DS with his arms tucked in tonight to see if that makes him sleep better at night. We used the Halo Swaddle Sack and DH put DS in it (DS has worn the sack and the swaddle part before but was just swaddled with his arms out). I woke up at 4 (DH fed him at 2) with DS crying and the swaddle part of the sleep sack was over his head and face because he had been trying to get his arms out! I was so upset because DH had not attached the straps at the bottom of the sack and this happened. DH knows I have an intense fear of SIDS or something happening to DS so how could he be so careless? DH was so concerned about getting to bed that he overlooked this. I am now so upset I don't know what to do (DH doesn't know because he is still sleeping). I am overwhelmed as it is but now I feel like for anything to be done right I need to do it myself or it will be half a$$. I don't know if he was just rushing or if he thinks that if he half a$$es things then I will just do them myself but this was really upsetting because if DS hadn't cried and I hadn't woken up it could have had a really bad outcome.

Am I overreacting? How should I handle this?

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