2nd Trimester

my mother is stressing me the helllll out!! long rant

seriously, I want to flip her off so bad right now!!!!!!!!! but I won't

so my 16 year old son is going thru and sending our family thru a real rough patch.   There are tough lessons that he needs to learn now about accountability and my mother is being dishonest and undermining me in the worst way anyone could ever imagine.

mind you my mother is a bi-polar trainwreck so her decisions are always horrible. She doesn't have a very happy life because she's so committed to being dysfunctional.  My son plays her like a fiddle and my mother gets our entire extended family involved all 3 of her sisters, my 3 siblings and  my grandmother whom ever she can real into her drama and she tells them her dishonest version of the story.

I'm already stressed out about my son, he's really making horrible decisions as far as school is concerned. It's not just the hormones, I'm big on education. My mother is crazy enough #1 involve herself, #2 take an idiotic stanse, and #3 be undermining.

this stress is cause me to not sleep even less than I was already sleeping and I've been having terrible pain, like a pain hit me this evening that was a contraction it lasted over a minute. It hurt like hell and then a wave of heat came over my body.

This stops today!! 

I'm afraid for my son, I'm exhausted, my feelings are hurt, and this just sucks!

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