2nd Trimester

Update from Quad Screen results!!!

First, She is definitely a girl! Yeay! Team Pink!

Second, very sure that there is no chance of Downs from the length of the arms and legs, the fold in the neck, and the view from the 3D u/s. If I decide to have an amnio, it is a greater risk for miscarriage than it is for my chances for Downs.

Third, the perinatologist thinks that he had seen a small hole in the heart but is not positive, so he is ordering a fetal echo. Also since DS has a congenital heart defect, and heart disease runs in my family, the chances increase.

Forth, the perinatologist also seen cysts on the brain, but he said that they should clear up by 24 weeks and are on their way of dissolving, but wants for me to come in for a 28 week u/s to make sure that they clear up. He did however say that if they did not clear up, it is a possibility for Trisomy18. But for me not to worry as they are clearing up. 

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