3rd Trimester

Switch Doctor/ Midwife??

Hi Ladies!  I hope all is well.  I am 28 weeks today and excited to post on the 3rd trimester board.  I have just been a lurker so far, but I hope I can get some thoughts/ advice from you.

I  was planning to deliver at one hospital, but I have had recent concerns.  I am hoping for a natural birth.  I've heard/read that this facility is not "natural birth" friendly (super high C-section rate, required IVs for all women in labor, etc).  So, I looked into switching facilities.  At another hospital, they have an entire floor that is dedicated to natural birth.  They also have the regular L & D facilities in the same building in case the need would arise for interventions.

 Here is my dilemma.  In switching over to the midwives at the new facility, I will not be able to get an appointment for several weeks.  (IE - my last appt. was at 26 weeks, the next would not be until 32 weeks, though I am on a waiting list to be seen sooner).  Am I crazy to switch over at this point?  I've been going every 4 weeks so far - when do you switch to a more frequent schedule?

Everything has been going perfectly in this pregnancy so far, but I'm worried about the 6 week gap this late in my pregnancy.  Thoughts? 

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