2nd Trimester

You are what you eat, and so are your kids ..

I know this is going to start some kind of heated conversation, but I saw something that REALLY bothered me today and I wanted to hear everyone's opinion. 

I am at the grocery store today. I see a women with 2 daughters approx 12 and 9 years old. The mother is approx 350+ lbs. Her 12 year old daughter looks to be 200 lbs or so and her 9 year is right there behind the 12 year old. Somehow we keep ending up in all the same places while I am shopping, and while I am in the deli section the mother goes up to the bakery side and says " my girls need a snack. Do you have any extra sugar cookies they could just have". This gets my attention pronto. The employee is not sure what to do and ends up handing each girl one of those GIANT sugar cookies.

10 min later I am in the chips/candy/nuts aisle. My back is to the candy because I am buying popcorn and I hear the mom say " girls, if your still hungry you can have a treat". I turn around to see each daughter RUN to pick out a KING SIZE candy bar, OPEN it and start eating it.  

As I am in line to pay, they end up behind me and start unloading the cart FULL of CRAP .. not one healthy thing in there. The 12 year old see's a bag of mini bread pieces on top of the checkout line that someone was to lazy to put back and says " mom how cute is this mini bread! Can we get this, Im starving" and her mom says " no problem" and rips open the bag for the girls to eat.

This is about both OVERWEIGHT and UNDERWEIGHT lifestyles we pass on to our kids. I realize that these poor children are doomed to a life of being heavy with unhealthy eating habits. And that these poor kids are victem to horrible parenting. The same goes for women who starve themselves and pass these same traits along as well .. both of them are just as dangerous. I realized how much my choices will impact my kids and what a HUGE responsibility that is. 

Thoughts/opinions go .... 

Here goes .. 


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