Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Acid Reflux/Major spitting up/Zantac

Anyone else dealing with this?  Our LO has been spitting up almost every feeding the last couple of weeks.  It looks like alot but the pediatrician says it's probably not as much as it looks like ( just took him today for his 1 mo visit)  He gained weight- was 5 lbs 15 oz at birth & today was 7lbs 12 oz & grew an inch :)  she said that was all good... She prescribed zantac & said if that didn't seem to help to start adding cereal to his bottle.  Only problem is that when we got home, my husband tries to give him the medicine straight out of the dropper and he spit out alot of it and made the most awful face you've ever seen!  It must taste like black licorice (that's the worst taste I can think of  LOL)  So we tried to mix it into his bottle but of course he spit up what looked to be everything he ate!  So how is the medicine going to help him if he can't keep it down??  So frustrating!  I just want to fix it for him so bad! He's going through 92384927483 outfits a day... which is no big deal on the laundry, I just don't want him to get sick everytime he eats!  I hope we can get this under control soon! He's not sleeping well at night either so I'm hoping it will help if we get this fixed... we're lucky if he sleeps 2 hour stretches at night.  Thankfully we've had alot of help from my dad coming to watch him so we can sleep! 
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