Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Feel like I'm failing as a new mom :(

I feel like im doing everything I can but it's all wrong ... And just started the Baby Whisperer as I'm desperate for tips, and shes basically confirming my thoughts. My LO had always been fussy due to digestive issues early on, and as I was in survival mode, I constantly held her - which is biting me in the butt now. I try everything to get her to nap more than 20 minutes at a time but she won't - and sometimes it takes 3 hours to get her to bed! Constant pick her up put her down.... I'm also trying the Easy method which doesn't seem to be working since she won't sleep ...

She also eats (exclusive breastfeed) every 2 hours almost on the dot during the day and our pedi wants me to stretch it to 3 since I'm going back I work in 2 weeks. I just don't know what to do. Everyday feels like groundhog day and I suck. I try swaddling, waiting until she's actually crying before I pick her up ... Pedi also says we should be able to put her down drowsy but awake - but I feel soooo far from this. Does anyone have any advice? Just needed to vent :( even worse is that I feel ready to go back to work bc I get so darned tired during the day. I always feel such guilt. 

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