2nd Trimester

water breaking at 19 weeks

I went to the ER back on 1/3 due to excessive fluid leaking.  I was sent home after an US and tests came back.  They said at the time there was no ambiotic fluid and they stated to follow up with my OB Tuesday 1/4 for my test results.  I was told the next day by a nurse at my OB's office it was a slight bacterial infection that is common and they we would see me next week.  That week I continued to lose more fluid and on Sat started bleeding.  On monday my OB stated that it was just a slight infection and normal discharge and gave me a prescription.  She rushed us out and made a comment to my husband stating, " Your wife needs intstant gratification doesn't she." Totally uncalled for.  He stated when we got in the car that I am never going back there again. 

We got on the phone and got a referal to another OB I went to her on Friday and she immedialty sent us for an US and it showed that my water did indeed break and there was no fluid around the baby.  He still had a strong HB and moving which was a good sign. 

We went to the hospital and saw a high risk neo natal specialist and she gave us 2 options. A. induce labor and terminate now NOT AN OPTION or B. Be admitted to the hospital at 24 weeks and put on IV fluid, antibiotics and steriods until I deliver.  We chose B.  She stated that I am now at 22 weeks so that is right around the corners. we now just have to be careful of infection.  If that happens I could end up with a hysterectomy.  Its a risk but she is optomistic since I have already come 19 days without infection.  

 I am drinking tons of water and taking vitamins and bedrest until week 24.   I would hang upside down for 10wks if I knew it would keep him alive.   I need all of your prayers!   I am sure if all goes to plan I will be on here updating you while I am in the hospital.   Keep you all posted!


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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