3rd Trimester

Is it just me? (vent)

So Iam 34 weeks along & literally have only called my doctor's office twice for advice. I dont want to be THAT pregnant girl- the hypocondriac that calls for every little issue. The 1st time I called was when someone at work had a staph infection & I was wondering if I should be worried & then I called yesterday to see if I could take anything OTC for sinus issues that I have been dealing with since Saturday. Both times that Ive called they have transfered me over to a nurse & BOTH times she was soooo rude to me! She made me feel really stupid for calling. I felt like she didnt want to be bothered with my petty questions because both times she told me to just go see my primary care doctor. The thing is I hate my primary care doctor & only go to see her when absolutely necessary. But I wasnt asking for a diagnosis, just had a simple question! Im so sick of the people in doctor's offices thinking theyre God's gift & treating patients like crap! Ughh!
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