2nd Trimester

Full Bladder on U/S

I'm at the end of my 1st Tri but I think you ladies probably have a better chance of having an answer to this question.

I just had my 1st appt with my new OB and my 2nd U/S.  The baby's bladder was very full.  I will be having another U/S in the next couples of weeks at Maternal fetal Medicine due to other risk factors including advanced maternal age (i'm 36).  They'll be looking at the bladder then too.

Have any of your LOs had full bladders during your U/S?  Just looking for some more info.  I'm trying to not worry too much about it, but the bladder looked very large and full.


Married to the Love of My Life since September 14, 2002.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
BFP#2:11/24/11, EDD: 8/4/12, heartbeat at OB on 2/17/12, no heartbeat at US on 2/20/12, (missed MC:2/18/12?), D&E:2/22/12
TTCAL since June 2012, Progesterone level December 2012- "not consistent with ovulation"
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