3rd Trimester

Not sure how to tell my in-laws the shower date doesn't work for me...

A little history... I have been told by my dr. that at 36 weeks they want to do another ultrasound and get a good measurement on the baby, to make sure she isn't going to be to big for me to deliver naturally, if they feel i won't be able to give birth naturally at 40 weeks they want to induce at 38 weeks. 

My in-laws have offered to throw us a baby shower (which I am truely grateful for being that this is my husbands 1st child and I have nothing left from my first 2 girls, i donated all the clothes to a family whose house burnt down and they had a new baby and all the big stuff I gave to my niece who couldnt afford to buy any of it at the time and she didnt take very good care of it so I don't really want it back).  However i asked them to please have the shower in February since they have requested that we don't buy anything until after the shower, and that way it would give me a couple weeks before the ultrasound to get everything in order.  Well they have gone and scheduled the baby shower for March 11th, I will be 36 weeks on March 8th, and I just don't feel like i will have time to get everything ready plus still drive an hour and a half up to the city to purchase the stuff we will need that we didn't get for the shower.  Am I being selfish if I tell them I don't want it that late? Or do I just go with it and pray I get it all done? TIA

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