2nd Trimester

Co-Worker Vent (NBR)

How many times will this have to happen before it can be called a pattern? I am talking about the co-worker (kind of like the kid in school that always was 'sick' when there was a test) who *always* has some excuse for not being there the day she needs to help someone with something. She is our receptionist/admin - and is there to help if someone needs materials printed/assembled or whatnot.

About a week ago I talked with her about doing some inventory - we have a storage room that is right behind her desk (so she could still watch the door and answer the phone when needed) that has a tonn of materials for a fundraising campaign we are doing. I has asked her for help with it - as if it is done as a two man job it will go by super fast and be wayy easier than me trying to do it alone. She agreed and today is inventory day. Right. She also called in today with some excuse about not being able to get in because of a flat tire. I know where she lives - and since I am moving to an area that is not far from there she talks to me all the time about the transit options from that area. I get having a flat tire sucks, but why is this something she can't deal with at a more appropriate time and take a bus or the train to work? And since when does a flat tire justify taking the entire day off? Especially when someone is depending on you for help? Specifically on the *only* day she had something specific to do.

 They (the boss and another Sr manager) have already has some pretty serious discussions with her about her work not getting done - you know, for things like not picking up voicemails - that have been there for over a week! There were 19messages!

And the last time someone who isn't the Boss asked her to do something (and gave her plently of warning) she called in that day too. And the day after. So we had to come together as a team to get the stuff that she was going to do done as it was time sensitive and needed for a community screening event. 

It is because of things like this that I never normally ask her to do anything, or even for her help. But, this is a task I need some help on and since the other people in the office are busy with their own time-sensitive tasks she is the only one available to help (also, kinda falls under her area of responsibility as it involves organization and ordering of materials - both things that she is supposed to do). 

How many times does something like this need to happen before it is recognized as a pattern? The frustrating part is she has kind of learned that when the Boss says 'jump' she jumps. But not for anyone else. Anyone and she isn't in that day for whatever reason. 

So now instead of this taking the two of us about 6hrs to do, it will take me about 2.5days to do on my own - cuz let's face it, she likely won't be in for the rest of the week and this is something that needs to be done before the week is over. 

/end rant.

Anyone else have a super frustrating co-worker? 

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