Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Amoxicillin causing baby gas?

I am still struggling with DS and his gas problem. We had another bad night last night and I have been so stressed and upset about all this that I was only able to pump 3 ounces from each side. I was thinking though that right now I am taking Amoxicillin for an ear and sinus infection. I was actually prescribed it on 1/5 but I took it consistently for about 3 days and then I sort of forgot (once my ear didnt hurt as much). Well my ear started hurting again so I started taking it again on Friday, which is when DS started having the gas problem. Since then, the gas problem has gotten worse and I wonder if it has something to do with the medicine. I know that in adults it can cause diarrhea and gas so could it do it in babies also? Does anyone have any experience with this?
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