3rd Trimester

Concerned with Doctor's lack of concern

Hello Bump.

I am hoping I can get some feedback from mom's who have been there.  I am in the last part of my 3rd trimester, and I haven't seen my doctor since the 1st trimester.  She's never there, never available, and so i've been seeing a midwife.  The midwife is fine, but whenever I have a question/concern she makes fun of my concern, like i feel like its stupid questions.  I am asking about this upon her prescribing me a medicine for until i give birth and when I read up on it it said that you cant breastfeed with it, but when i asked her about it she said, "would i give it to you if you couldn't have it?"  I have been polite and patient with her attitude but i have just about had it.  I have no idea what to expect with birth, and i'm not expecting to see my doctor at all since she's been M.I.A. since 1st trimester.  I am rushed through all of my doctors appointments...and they (nurses only) do the following:

1. urine sample 2. take my weight  3. take my blood pressure   4. ask if i have any questions (then ridicule me for asking them)  5. listen to baby heartbeat  6. send me off packing till the next month

I'm ushered in and out so fast it makes my head spin, and treated like sh*t for asking any questions at all (and i'm very well-versed in medical knowledge so i dont ask ridiculous questions).  Its as if I am a nuisance to the office, no matter how little i bother them.  Has anyone else had this experience?  It scares me cause this is my first baby and i have no idea what to expect, who to expect to be there medically, for birth.

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