Single Parents

Hello all

I just found this group, even though I looked at the bump site all during my pregnancy. I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I am very glad to have other single parents to talk to! I guess this is just kind of a rant. My name is Nikki and my 9 month old son is Aaron. He is my first child. My soon to be ex-hubby decided he did not want to be married anymore the week before I found out I was pregnant. I went through the whole pregnancy stressed to no end and so my DS was born 6 weeks early. I am very thankful he didn't have any major problems. Hopefully none show up in the future. He just has a few minor problems and has his 'preemie' days. We are going through the whole divorce process. I am supposed to get custody of DS or so I was told. He is definately not able to care for a child, can not care for himself. Anyways nice to meet you all. Have a Blessed day!
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