3rd Trimester

Sophia Grace is here! great 2nd labor & delivery

After 7hrs of false labor last week, I wasn't convinced it was labor today.  The contractions weren't terrible, but there was definitely pain in my lower uterus.  They started about 10am & shortly after lunch was noticing I needed to stop & breathe through them a little.  At 2:30 I decided to leave work & within 30min the contractions were about 3min apart.  DH left work early & we were off to L&D.  I was 4cm & 100% effaced when I arrived.  My Dr broke my water shortly after & I was @ 6!  And little Sophia Grace was here @ 6:40.  Had some nubane about an hour before pushing but no epi.  With #1, I was in labor for 20hrs & I dialated sooooo slow, so this was a breeze today.  The general rule about labor being 1/2 the time proved pretty true for me.  DH was once again an awesome coach for me too; couldn't have done it w/o him. 

I'm tired but @ the same time the adrenaline is still going, so I can't sleep!!!!  Everyone I know is asleep because they all work tomorrow, so I'm super bored.  DH went home to sleep since he will sleep so much better @ home & there's nothing he can do here.  No doubt about the time I doze off tonight they will be bringing my little Sophie back for a feeding, but I'm sure I'll sleep great after that. 

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