2nd Trimester

X-posted natural birth - Water birth questions

Hi ladies! I haven't lurked here long and spend most of my time on my June board. After some research and speaking with my hospital, I've decided to do a water birth. If you've had one, can you share your experience? What did you like about it? What didn't you like? Did you plan to do it one way and end up another (in a bed)? Do you have any tips?When I told my Mom about it she pretty much scoffed at me and asked why I would want to sit in a tub with my own poop and blood. I tried to explain to her I think women poop less during water birth because it's a smoother birth process than a woman laying down pushing against gravity. I've watched 6 different videos and in all didn't see her poop and the water didn't get dirty until the baby's head came through. I'm assuming the MW will help with this anyways? I'm not really worried about this but I want to make it clear to my Mom.
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