Single Parents

Questions for the "veterans" on moving on

So I moved on from my XH a long time ago - probably even before the seperation. So it is not moving on from him that I question. It is moving on with your "normal" life, when and how did it happen for you? How long did it take to "feel" super comfortable in your single parent shoes?

I just want to get on with my life - my own place (coming sooner than later:)), my own things, own space - getting "me" back. I know I will always have to deal with XH EOW or what not, but I want to get to the point where that is just a thing I have to do in the back of my head or on a calander and just live my life with my daughter.

Stories/suggestions welcome! Also any tips on making friends that are not family if you were previously isolated by your EX?

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