2nd Trimester

Dont know how Im gonna get through 5 more months if Im a nervous wreck already.

Im feeling a bit hormonal today and I might be over reacting a bit.  I just need to calm my nerves.

Im 16w 3 days.  At 12 weeks I was able to feel the top of my uterus about 2-3 inches under my belly button.  Went to the Dr. and all was fine.  A few weeks ago I felt my uterus up on my left side, around bellybutton level. The next day it was back down.  Its been a while and its still about 3 inches below my belly button.  Shouldn't it be moving up by now?  Im not a very large girl (5'2" 148lbs).  Theres not THAT much room down there.  If the baby is the size of an Avocado, then the uterus is larger than that.  If it was all smushed down there, wouldnt I have issues in the poo dept? or bladder? Both are just as regular as before I got pregnant.  I am a bit bigger, gained 8 lbs (about).  Waist size is a bit larger.

Today my back started hurting.  My wrist has been hurting for a month now, and my other wrist just started hurting yesterday. Also, the past few weeks, every few days or so I get pain in my hips while I'm sleeping.  And Ive been tossing and turning all night.  Im aware that this is all normal pregnancy growing pains, so.....  That should mean everything is ok, right?  Even though my uterus is still low?  Its still early?  This is my first pregnancy, and Im aware that every woman is different and every baby is different.  I think I just need to hear someone tell me that its all normal. 

My next appt is on Friday and Im sure the dr can tell me if something wrong (or that everything is perfectly normal). I just need a little bit of  "everything is fine.  Stop worrying" to hold me over.

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