Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Is it true....NEVER wake a sleeping baby?

My six week is causing me to be concerned as he has been sleeping since 930am and it's now 105pm and he hasn't been nursed since 615am. This is after he was nursed at 8pm last night and slept til the 6am feeding.

He has gone 6 or 7 hours overnight without feeding before but not on a regular basis. My pedi said he was gaining weight well and that she was happy with him only feeding 6 times a day as opposed to the recommended 8-12 but I'm just worried that there could be something wrong.....he was very fussy between 7am and 9am and has only had two wet diapers.


I have a call into the pedi but havent heard back....yet. Thoughts???


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