2nd Trimester

almost run over....

Yesterday DH and I were at Babies R Us just checking things out.  We wanted to look at the car seat that we've been reading about online.  Anyway we did a little browsing, picked up a couple things, and headed to the checkout.  As I was walking up to the register another pregnant woman almost ran me over to get in line before me.  She didn't have a cart or anything in her hands.  What looked to be her mother walked up a few minutes later with a few things in her hand.  The store wasn't busy at all and there were maybe 2 people to a line.  I didn't say anything and kept my cool but I honestly was blown away at how rude people can be...and another pregnant mom at that!  I guess I just thought to myself hey we're in the same club! 

Is it terrible that I really wanted to say something?!  My DH was oblivious to what had happened when I mentioned it to him in the car later.  Right after that we went to Costco and another pregnant woman came right up to me and asked how far along I was and we had a really nice chat since we're both having girls and both due in May.  That definitely made up for my previous experience.

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