Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Hates Tummy Time

My LO hates tummy time! I have tried several things to make it more fun for him, prop him up on the boppy, lay on the floor next to him, toys for him to play with, but he only lasts maybe a minute before he starts crying.  I feel like I'm not getting him enough time on his tummy and he'll not ever be able to hold his head up.  Should I really be stressing out so much over this issue?  Will my LO just eventually learn to like tummy time.  He's 9 weeks old and just loves being on his back, hates the tummy!  Any suggestions to get him more comfortable with tummy time?  I put him on his stomach several times a day, trying to get him used to it, but he just wont have it!  TIA!!

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