3rd Trimester

Last night we went to L&D. (long)

For some strange reason around 7pm last night I started getting this sever pressure in my head. The best way to describe it is as if you were on a plane and can't pop your ears. The problem is it turned into a migraine. Well at first I was about to just take some tylenol and call it a night, but I started getting really dizzy and woosy too. So we took my BP (we have a bp machine at home for hubby from a year ago) and It was 139/91 which I knew wasn't good.

So we went in and first off I waited an hour and a half. I don't know what took so long but it's not like they were busy. I saw 4 ladies go in who were in actual labor and that was it. There was only like 1 couple in the waiting room etc. I was in AGONY waiting.. I felt like my head was going to explode out the back of my head. 

We finally get back they get me all hooked up and basically I was there from 12ish (we got there around 11:30) til 3 am. My BP stayed in the 135-140ish over 80-93ish zone the entire time. They gave me some meds for my head which worked wonders.. guess all I needed was some Tylenol after all. They took blood and said everything is "okay" and that I could go home if i wanted. Baby was fine (thankfully) and moving and shaking like normal. (this guy really is super active lol)

They did tell me to decrease my movement as much as I possibly can though. So I assume thats "bedrest" but with an 11 month old that just learned to walk I can only lay down so much and they understood but were very clear in the fact that I should really be taking it easy.

 Now all in all I feel silly for going in and making hubby stay up all night basically for nothing. Last year when I had a BP of around these numbers they induced me, which is why we went in. Now.... I COULD be wrong but I do have an apt on wed and I would be seriously surprised if they don't set me up for an induction apt soon. Especially since today now every time I get up the room literally spins. 

Either way.. I feel okay we went in (and so does hubby) we always play on the side of caution/better safe then sorry etc, but it just sucked that we were up all night and I possibly just could have taken some painmeds and went to bed.


Oh and the best part.. we get home a little after 3, send our friend home who was watching DS (whom was asleep the whole time) I get into bed and just start to close my eyes by 3:30.. and DS starts screaming on the monitor. 


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By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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