Single Parents

Started custody evaluation and psych evals yesterday

I know I have been hit or miss here, but we started out custody evaluation and psychological evaluations yesterday. It started with a 2 hour 'session' with the psychiatrist. He asked about the relationship up until I left. Within 10 minutes of talking he asked me (before getting to the abuse) if he had a mental illness. He told me at the end that I 'had a lot of energy about it, have you talked to anyone about all of this (a professional)." I told him no, I just don't have the $ or a babysitter. I apologized for unloading on him, and he said, 'no it's all relevant information.' 

This is my only chance of getting to move home. Otherwise I am stuck here with no family, and unable to find a job having applied for 258 so far. I have a job waiting for me back home that would support us and we would be fine. Any prayers or thoughts are appreciated, and I promise to be more active. 

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