3rd Trimester

Second/third/etc-time moms - how hard is a newborn?


We just visited a good friend and her 2-week-old and she seems like she's in HELL. Sleep-deprived like crazy, has the baby blues, got a sad case of cabin fever, frustrated at how loud her LO cries, boob infection... of course I know she was "letting it all out" and probably focusing more on negative when we were hanging out, but is it really that miserable?

I expect it to be the biggest life change ever and the biggest challenge ever - but please tell me the good outweighs the bad. She's got me all freaked out!

Now, she's also had a rough marriage (up until recently) and rough pregnancy, two things I haven't had - well technically I have had a rough pregnancy (been high-risk)... but I guess my point is I'm a lot more of a relaxed and positive person than her.

Hopefully it will help that me and my husband are already homebodies?? Anyways, just left their house feeling like we've got quite the uphill battle ahead of us !

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