2nd Trimester

Amino on wedsenday any advice?

I am having a Amino on Wednesday due to my 20 week check because there were many abnormalities in babies ultrasound. Some being lower jaw isn't completey developed correctly, some kind of heart issue but not sure what because baby stayed in fetal position the entire 2.5 hr ultrasound and a small chest but a normal size heart. Also baby did not move either legs or arms during ultrasound. So the dr doctor doesn't know for sure if the baby hands and feet are inward but he did say they might be.

We knew going into the appt that something could be wrong because of the high NT scan at 6.2 at the 11 week ultrasound but we were hoping it was just something that would go away. We decided to do the amino so we can either diagnose or rule out any chromosomal abnormality. I'm  scared about the test and the results any advice that has gone through similar situations?



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