3rd Trimester

VERY Positive C-Section Story!!!

I just wanted to make sure i posted my story for all of those women who were either planning to have C-Sections or who were nervous about them.

Just a little background info:  This was my first pregnancy.  My Due Date was 1/5/12. But I was planing on having an induction on 12/30/11 (my husband is active duty Military and we wanted him to be able to be here for the birth).


Ok, so, the Monday before Christmas (the 19th), I had an aultrasound and everything was normal, as were the normal tests they run every appointment on me. That Wednesday I spent about 6 hours in Labor and Delivery with really bad contractions and, even though I was eventually sent home due to a lack of progress, my OB wanted me to come in on Friday so that he could check me and the baby out. They detected some protein in my urine sample and so the OB wanted me to do a 24 hour urine collection on Sunday...Merry Christmas to me!

So, after the 24 hour collection, my husband and I went into the OB on Monday, December 26th at 9:30 am. The doc did a quick test and said that  it was positive for protiens and that he wanted me to go over to Labor and Delivery, get hooked up to the monitor and have the hospital run a full screen on the urine. He was concerned that I had developed sudden onset pre-eclampsia - my blood pressure was quite high and I had gained 10 pounds since friday!!!!! He said that if the test came back with results over 300 then I was going to have to have a C-Section that afternoon. I told him we couldn't because my parents weren't getting into town until Tuesday...he told me that was sweet but we would still be having it on Monday! :)

So, My hubby got me settled in Labor and Delivery and then went home to let the dogs out and grab my bags while I called my parents and told them that they need to get in the car and start making the 7-8 hour trip. At 11:30 the nurse came in to give me the results of the test. I asked her if it was 300 and she said "No...it was 2400"!!! So, needless to say, I was a bit concerned! 

The nurses got me situated in my room, got me hooked back up to the monitor and got me hooked up to the IV (after 3 different nurses tried 4 separate times they finally found a vein that was willing to cooperate!). My hubby got back to the hospital around 12:45 and they were taking us into the OR at 1:30.

The anesthisiologist opted to do a spinal and it went really well, even though I was terrified (I hate needles). The actual surgery started at 2:00pm and our beautiful daughter was born at 2:26pm on december 26, 2011 weighing in at 8lbs 10 oz and measuring 21 in long - we got lots of great pictures of her and my husband cut the cord and got to hold her. By 2:45 I was being taken back to our room, husband and baby in tow. 2 hours after that I was up and walking!

Our daughter was perfectly healthy, I felt SO much better and we were even able to leave the hospital less than 48 hours later!

4 days after giving birth I went shopping (for the baby) with my husband and we even got to go out to dinner. 1 week after surgery I got my staples out.


So, to make a long story short - don't be afraid of having a C-Section!! I had an incredibly positive experience, little to no pain, and I am feeling great (I have even lost all my baby weight plus some extra pounds). A lot of people are anti c-section, but let me tell you - after having one, I would NEVER opt to go vaginal! 

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