3rd Trimester

I think I'm in labor??

I have been having contractions for three days but today they're really close together.  With my first pregnancy my water broke so I have never figured out how to time contractions.  I never really felt contractions when I was in L&D either, it was more like a constant discomfort and I couldn't decipher between on and off. 

So I'm trying to time them now with an app on my phone but they're so close together I don't know if I'm on or off.  The baby really moves a lot in between the back pain coming and going.

I'm going to call my OB.  I know that's what you'll say.  I guess I'm just sharing/distracting myself from impending pain of labor.  I'm scared.  Ack!  I hope this isn't it cause I haven't shaved in weeks.

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