Single Parents

Father's involvement during pregnancy?

New to the board and website. :)


The baby's dad and I have not been together for the entire pregnancy (due in April). I know that I am overly-emotional and hormonal, but I really think that he could be doing a lot more to be involved with the baby. So far I have purchased everything for our son, gone to every doctor's appointment alone, and have taken on responsibility for all of my medical bills.

He claims that he wants to be involved with the pregnancy but doesnt know how, so he'll just come around after the baby is born. I feel like this is such a cop-out. I get to go through the nine months of pregnancy alone and pay for everything and he gets to show up for the reward?

My problem is that he has asked me on occassion what he can be doing to be more involved (we live in different cities, but he BY FAR has the means to travel to help out). I feel kind of silly admitting this but I feel like he could be doing SOMETHING, I just dont know what. I'm trying not to hold him to a higher standard just because I am hormonal and crazy at times, but it would be nice if I could give him at least a few ideas to be involved with his son BEFORE he is born.

 Any ideas?



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