Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What do you do with your sleepy LO?

i am trying to keep close watch for her sleepy cues, being as once she gets past that point, she gets so overtired and super fussy. i am finding it hard, as a ftm, to know where or how to "put her down for a nap". she doesn't fall asleep when we rock her, so should i just bring her downstairs and just set her down. i don't seem to have a large window of oppertunity, once it closes, i can barely calm her, even with skin to skin. i hate seeing bags under her eyes :(

please tell me what you do, for little one to go down for nap, or the next steps you take after you see those 1st few yawns. also we are having some issues with her startling herself awake( dd is 7 weeks old) when laying on her back, and she hates(with a passion) being swaddled with her arms tucked in.

 any advice or suggestions would be *greatly* appreciated! ps- sorry for no caps, i'm on my black berry


Blake in BW 6 months Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 1RememberingMiloJuly1st2012
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