Babies: 0 - 3 Months

WHAT is going on here??

I feel like this "phase" keeps getting worse! About 5 days ago DS started with really bad gas, the kind where he screws up his face and lifts his legs while hes crying in order to strain to get it out. This was causing him to be miserable, especially at night. He had been on somewhat of a schedule eating 4 ounces of milk every 4 hours. Then Saturday night he wanted to eat the 4 ounces every 2.5 to 3 hours. Today he has just been miserable, he ate every 3 hours last night but instead of the 20 minutes he used to take to eat a bottle he was now taking an hour and falling asleep during feeding. This morning he also started vomiting up what hes ate right after feeding (usually when I burp him) and still has the horrible gas. Ive tried stopping eating dairy and have been giving Mylicon drops but after 2 hours when the drops wear off he starts getting gassy again, but i dont feel comfortable giving drops every two hours.

I have a call in to the pedi but does anyone have any insight into what might be going on or what I should do? Like I said this just seems to get worse!

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