Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Needing a little encouragement

I can't help but feel a little bit isolated these days. I know this is supposed to be the happiest time of my life (and believe me, I am beyond excited and thrilled to be starting this new stage called motherhood, and I am SO blessed with an amazing DH) but I also feel like I've lost a lot of the connections I had with my pre-pregnancy friends. I'm 25, and a FTM and a lot of the friends I was close with pre-baby are really just in a different stage of life. While I am spending my days focusing on how many times my baby has pooped in the last 24 hrs or how I might go about getting rid of these lovely stretch marks and saggy skin, my friends are still focusing on which dress they are going to wear out this Friday night and which bar might be the most fun for happy hour. Even though I absolutely love spending my days playing with and caring for my LO, is it ok that I am also a little bit lonely?? Is anyone else out there going through this same transition?
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