2nd Trimester

Why aren't Dads allowed in for the ultrasound at first?

Hello all,

I'm from Toronto, Ontario and not sure if this is the same as everywhere else but we're expecting twins in June and so we go for quite a few ultrasounds. However, every time we go, my husband has to sit in the waiting room until the end of the ultrasound when they finally call him in. Is there a reason for this?

He is okay waiting for the regular check-up ultrasounds that take about 25 minutes but we were told our A/S which is this Thursday is going to take over 2 hours. He gets lost easily and has no sense of direction. I don't want him wandering around the hospital for 2 hours. I may never see him again. :)

Is it a safety thing, or do they just not want the husband asking a bunch of questions while they try and concentrate?


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