Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Do I need to start a schedule.... (Nov. re-post)

I'm wondering if I need to be doing anything to put DS on a schedule.But, I'm a FTM/ SAHM and I don't know if because I do get to stay home that I'm not worried about him being on a feeding/sleeping schedule. DS is EBF, so really there is not too much you can do there with scheduling... when he wants the boob. He wants the boob. And I have no problem with feeding him on demand. Same with sleeping... he's 8 weeks old and growing everyday. His lil' body & brain need to rest.So if he needs to catch some Z's... I let him and usually during the day I do too. So that at night I'm not dragging when he wants to be up until midnight or up between 2 and 4am.We have a nightly routine with eating, getting a bath, reading a book and playing then nursing again. But it doesn't always happen around the same time depending on his sleep/eat schedule during the rest of the day. Is this wrong? Should I be more conscience and try to get him into more of a structured daily routine? When he is older I could see why it would make more sense to get him into a routine with these things... but now I just don't know.Doing what we do now doesn't bother me in the least and I feel like I have a grip on things.. cooking, cleaning, taking care of baby/house/dog/DH. Ok, sometimes DH doesn't get as much attention. Oops! Gotta work on that one! Suggestions anyone?  TIA!
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