Single Parents

Naming your child without X

STBXH's friend came by last night to grab the rest of his stuff before I move in 2 weeks, he was on the phone with my ex. I don't know the sex of our second child yet but find out on Friday. For some reason I am feeling a girl this time and have picked a name I am super in love with. I casually mentioned it to X's friend and it turns out X absolutely hates the name. He is demanding we name the child a biblical name (which is a bit ironic for a man who claims to be Christian yet can't stay out of jail, is an alcoholic and beat his pregnant wife then lies about all of it).

I don't like any of the names he chose. I did let him name our son but I really loved the name as well so it was just fine with me.

Should I let X have a say in our unborn child's name or should I name the child what a feel comfortable with? I am a bit disappointed that he doesn't like my girl name as I have loved the name this entire time and was pretty set on it. I feel bad naming the baby something I know he doesn't like, but that's kind of his fault. I also will not be informing him of when and where I am having the baby as I do not want him there.


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