Babies: 0 - 3 Months


LO is 7 weeks old today and I am seriously considering starting him on a more regular schedule. I think he's ready, but I need help. What is your schedule? When did you start it? I guess I'm most confused about naps. Our LO tends to take 1 long nap, 4-5 hours in the middle of the day. Is this normal? Do I want to change this into a few short naps? If I want to change it, do I need to wake him up in the middle of the nap?

Current schedule, if you call it that.

Up at 7am-8am-feed

Playtime until 11am- feed 

Nap sometime between 11am-1pm

Up between 4pm-5pm-feed

Awake through 8 pm-feed

Nighttime routine starts at 9pm: bath and change

Feed and swaddle around 10-11pm. More toward 11 because feeding schedule

Sleeps until 4am-5am-feed

Sleeps until 7am-8am 



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