2nd Trimester

i went to the e.r.

i woke up at 1amish to go pee and still being asleep someting had popped or pulled but i went on to go pee.  i was up for 3 hours after that haveing this burning feeling in the crease of my hip so off to the e.r. we went because is was causeing some muscle spasims, i got checked out urine test come back for haveing a uti and thats what was causeing the burning and ligament pain so dr's says no work till tues and rest w meds.  so now i know the reason that i have been tired after getting 8 hours of sleep up for 2 or 3 hours and then wanting a nap. but after almost 8 years since ive been prego it was a little surreal to be back in one of those room on moniters
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